Welcome to
Awori Pacesetter(Ojo) Cooperative Multipurpose Society Limited

...Members' welfare is our concern

About Us


In late 1996, a group of newly employed teachers, Mr Ogunsanya, Mr Adesegha Kola, and Mr Ogunyemi Tope began a discussion on how to set up a cooperative society for Awori College Staff. We were initially discouraged by the high rate of failure of school based cooperatives in Lagos state, Awori College inclusive, but Mr Ogunsanya and Mr Ogunyemi were very optimistic that we can make it work if we can avoid the pitfalls of previous cooperative societies.

After months of deliberations we decided to coopt Mr Fadahunsi S.O, the Vice Principal. He was also skeptical but after several meetings eventually agreed to come on board and asked us to brief the Principal, Mrs Dada J.O. The principal, on being briefed asked for time to ruminate over the issue and after a few weeks gave her approval and thus Awori College Cooperative was born and membership was thrown open to the entire staff of the school in early 1997. Mr Ogunsanya became the pioneer Chairman and was assisted by Mr Akinpelu as Vice Chair.

What We Do

Awori Pacesetter(Ojo) Cooperative prides itself in providing quick turnaround loan/credit facilities to her members within shortest period of time. Simply put, we offer Sharp, Swift, Easy and Flexible Personal Loans.
We also offer saving and investment opportunities to her members.


Membership is opened to all staff of Awori College any other civil servant.


It has over the years enjoyed good management from professional, efficient and transparent executive teams.


It has continue to experience growth year after year on her operations and giving support to her members.

In working together, we strive to improve economic condition of our members and to provide facilities for better living condition as well as carrying out work of common economic interest and benefit.

Our Principles

Honesty & Transparency : Managed by team of individuals who lace vaules on their intergrity and in the discarge of their duties.

Social Responsibility : While working together to achieve greatness we also consider our environment and give support to the society.

Caring for Members : We help members achieve their developmental aspirations by giving prompt and adequate attentions to their financial needs.

Loan Types

We offer a variety of credit facilities to our members.